The Millbrook Sustainable Products Plan focuses on 4 areas where we are striving to be greener.

Growing Media
- We no longer sell peat in bagged products ahead of Government target of end of 2024 (excludes carnivorous plant compost).
- GROW growing media training in place for all staff repeated on an annual basis, plus blogs, signage and social media promotion of how to garden successfully using peat-free products.
- Liaising with suppliers to encourage and monitor peat reduction and prioritising purchasing and promotion of plants grown in peat-free compost.
- Millbrook Designer Pots are peat-free.
- No plants grown in peat-based compost by 2028.

Pests, disease and weed management
- We have removed all synthetic pesticides from sale and stopped the use of any synthetic pesticides in our centres.
- Source alternative ‘organic’ natural or barrier methods to protect plants. Highlight and promote these planet positive products to customers.
- Each monthly Planet Positive email features products to encourage greener gardening and alternatives to the harmful pesticides we no longer sell.
- Our green bee icon makes it easier to find greener gardening products in-store. Working towards offering at least one 'green' option in each product area.
- The Millbrook Eco House at both centres highlights all the areas in which customers can be greener.

Waste, including plastics
- Phase out single use plastics by 2024. We no longer sell artificial grass. Looking for gardening alternatives for plant tags and weedstop fabrics.
- Give away coffee grinds to customers for home composting. Available in The Mill and greencafe with educational signage.
- Aim for plastic products and packaging to be made of recycled material & to be easily recyclable.
- Reduce / remove plastic garden décor items by end 2024.
- We have achieved zero waste to landfill. Keep reviewing our waste contracts to ensure maximum recycling.
- In 2023 we reduced our total tonnes of waste by 11.8%, and recycled or composted 68% of our total waste. We aim to do even better in 2024! Any waste that can't be recycled is sent to a local power station and used to create energy.

- Millbrook is an accredited member of the Responsible Sourcing Scheme.
- Review of buying guidelines and policies in Spring 2024 to set new targets focusing on reducing plastic and packaging, choosing locally sourced products, natural materials, organic and sustainable gardening practices.
- Continue to actively look for environmentally-friendly and ethically-sourced products. Source local or UK made products where possible.
- Source more plants from local growers and UK growers – working towards peat-free growing in line with government targets.
- Monthly Planet Positive emails highlighting our Planet Positive suppliers and greener product choices.