The Great Grow Your Own Challenge: Final Conclusion

For the last time we catch up with our competitors and their planet friendly 1m x 1m plots, to discover what they have loved and learnt from taking part in the Millbrook Great Grow Your Own Challenge.

Now for the tricky bit! Which of our team will be crowned winner of the Great Grow Your Own Challenge? Horticulturist and RHS lecturer, Caroline Halfpenny, has kindly agreed to be our judge. Look out for a special announcement coming soon!

Hazel, Garden Centre Assistant

Tell us what has been happening on your plot this month Hazel.

My plot is still giving lots of lovely salad bits - tomatoes, watermelon and pumpkins. It’s starting to look a bit untidy so I’m keen to sort it out, get some organic matter back into the ground and put it to bed for the winter months.

Which crop have you enjoyed growing the most?

I’ve loved growing watermelons. Even though I didn’t get a high yield I think the end product is great, and it shows the time and nurture I've put into my plot.

What’s been the best thing about taking part in the challenge?

I’ve really enjoyed learning to grow things in different ways, even if doesn’t work out as planned it’s still great to have gained knowledge I didn’t have before. I love growing in a permaculture way; being more plant friendly and encouraging wildlife into the garden to benefit my plants and pollinators.

Is there anything you would do differently?

If I could do the challenge again I think I would be more prepared and make sure my plot was ready earlier in the season. I would also net my brassicas to try and keep the white butterfly from laying eggs.

Do you have a favourite Millbrook product you would recommend to others?

Tomorite feed has been essential for making sure my vegetables have the right nutrients and thrive.

What’s next for your competition patch?

I will be dismantling the pyramid, and plan to use horse manure to put nutrients back into the ground so I have good growing soil for next year.

Jenny, Hospitality

Tell us what has been happening on your plot this month Jenny.

My plot has been doing really well. This month I’ve been harvesting cucumbers, tomatoes, red spring onions, radishes, beetroot and melons.

Which crop have you enjoyed growing the most?

I can’t pick a favourite thing I have grown! I’ve enjoyed it all. I’ve loved growing a great range of different fruit, veg and edible flowers. The 1m x 1m challenge means I’ve had great fun learning to grow things in hanging baskets and pots, as well as in the the ground.

What’s been the best thing about taking part in the challenge?

For me I’ve enjoyed being educated by the plants. Some like to climb, sprawl, hang down or even stand up tall. Being taught by the plants about what they want, prefer and need is a great learning curb. Who knew plants could let you know what they like! Each individual plant needs different attention, so every day it’s been exciting to see what changes have happened on my plot.

I would recommend this Grow Your Own Challenge to everyone - the pros far outweigh any cons you might be worried about. You can find a small spot in your garden, on your balcony or even on a windowsill, then sit back and enjoy and be proud of what you grow.

Is there anything you would do differently?

If I did the challenge again I honestly wouldn’t change a thing. It’s been so much fun and very rewarding - from having fresh produce and saving money, to spending time with family and exercising in the fresh air.

What’s next for your competition patch?

I’m going to keep my little plot just as it is. I’m not going to grow anything over the winter so I will dig it over and add some compost, ready to do it all again next year.

Tammy, Managing Director

Tell us what has been happening on your plot this month Tammy.

I’ve taken out my sugar snaps and salad and replanted some winter salad - lambs lettuce which is already sprouting and should give me some greens through the winter, along with rainbow chard which might sprout and hopefully grow into the Autumn. I still have the onions left to harvest too.

Is there anything you would do differently?

I think my courgette gave me the sum total of 3 courgettes! Maybe more sun, water and food next time.

What’s been the best thing about taking part in the challenge?

All in all it’s been a good experiment. It’s amazing what you can grow from 1m x 1m. The bees have loved the borage, calendula and nasturtiums, which have now self-sown every where so hopefully they might pop back up next year as well.

Do you have a favourite Millbrook product you would recommend to others?

Tomorite once a week to feed everything! Jury’s still out on the Strulch. I love it as a planet friendly mulch, and I believe it reduced the slugs but sadly it didn’t stop them completely.

What’s next for your competition patch?

Here is a picture of a sunflower that I grew in my plot. I really love them. I’m hoping the seeds will feed the bees through the winter.

Dan, Senior Plant Manager

Tell us what has been happening on your plot this month Dan.

Since the last update we’ve harvested more beans, carrots, tomatoes, and some lettuce. The main challenge has been keeping things well watered as it has been a very dry Summer and start to Autumn.

Which crop have you enjoyed growing the most?

The thing we’ve most enjoyed growing is red cabbages. They were so small when they started and are now they are huge! Having not grown them before it’s been good fun watching them over the course of the growing season. We’re really looking forward to eating them!

Is there anything you would do differently?

I think if I was to do this challenge again I would stagger the lettuce planting a little, as they all came out in large groups and it was far too much for us to manage. The local chickens benefitted though! Next time we would also sow the carrots more thinly, or remove some of the seedlings, to get a better shape and size of carrot.

What’s been the best thing about taking part in the challenge?

Being outdoors with the family. Frank, my son, loves being outside all the time so it’s the perfect place for him to help out (in his own way!) and get plenty of fresh air too. Managing to grow some fresh produce as well is just a bonus. Thanks to everyone that’s taken part in the challenge, I think it has been great fun and we have really enjoyed it!

Do you have a favourite Millbrook product you would recommend to others?

The New Horizon Vegetable Compost was our favourite. It’s a really nice consistency and made a big difference to the growth of plants in the raised bed. They grew much larger than if we had planted them directly into the ground.

What’s next for your competition patch?

The next project is some overwintered Sweet Peas.  We’ve never tried this before. We want to see if we can manage to get some ready to plant out in late February from late October sowings.

Have you enjoyed our Great Grow Your Own Challenge? We'd love to see what you're growing and eating at home. Tag us in your recipes and photos @millbrookgardencentre #millbrookgrowers on Facebook or Instagram.

Where to next?

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