Try our new Fairtrade Organic coffee

This month, we’re excited to launch our very own Fairtrade Organic coffee! Hand-roasted in the UK, this delicious blend is 100% certified, making it a better choice for the planet, growers, and you. 

Did you know coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world after crude oil (BBC)? What we drink as consumers has a direct impact on climate change, our health, and the lives of the farmers who grow it. That’s why our new years resolution is switching to a greener coffee in our cafes.

Our delicious new blend is grown and roasted under the strict standards of the UK’s two largest certifying bodies, Organic Farmers and Growers (OF&G) and the Fairtrade Foundation

Read on to learn more—then pop in-store to try a cup for just £1 with your Millbrook Family Card! 

Why Choose Organic?

Organic farming protects the health of soil, ecosystems, and people. It works with nature’s cycles, avoiding chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and other additives. Here’s why that matters: 

  • Lower emissions and energy use 
  • Reduced pollution in soil and waterways 
  • Carbon capture: Organic soils store more carbon 
  • Chemical-free farming: Better for workers, wildlife and coffee drinkers 

Switching to organic coffee is a simple way to enjoy your brew while protecting the planet. There are claims that organic coffee is better for your health too as it contains more vitamins and nutrients, and isn't grown using chemicals.

Why Fairtrade?

Over 125 million people worldwide rely on coffee for their livelihoods. Yet, despite being the most traded agricultural commodity, coffee farming is often unstable and underpaid. That’s where Fairtrade steps in. 

Fairtrade guarantees a minimum price for farmers, ensuring production costs are covered even when market prices drop or crops fail. Farmers also benefit from the Fairtrade Premium - extra funds they can invest in their businesses, communities, and environmental projects. 

Fairtrade farmers work collectively in cooperatives, giving them greater bargaining power and control. Despite its benefits, only 25% of coffee sold in the UK is Fairtrade. Next time you shop, look for the Fairtrade logo to ensure you're making the fairest choice for farmers every time you brew.

Coffee and Climate Change

In 2024, the price of Arabica beans rose by more than 80%. Coffee prices are at record highs due to bad weather, increased demand, and smaller harvests. 

The effects of climate change—such as unpredictable rainfall, disease, and insect damage—are making coffee farming even harder. In Brazil, one of the world’s largest coffee producers, the worst drought in 70 years was followed by heavy rain in October 2024, severely impacting harvests and prices into 2025. 

By choosing Organic and Fairtrade coffee, you’re supporting farmers to adapt to these challenges and look after their environment.

Try It Today!

Coffee doesn’t have to cost the planet - enjoy a cup of our new blend for just £1 with your Millbrook Family Card this January. Don’t forget to make the most of your other café rewards while you’re here. 

Where to next?

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